Shipping Container Bridge – March 24, 2018

How do you get a bison across a creek? How do you get a HERD of bison across the creek? How do you do this without them ending up at the neighbors? All of these questions we needed to answer. Bear Creek is seasonal, the water level varies from no water at all to a gushing 10ft flood throughout the year. We thought about an elaborate rising and lowering fence structure that would likely become a dam as debris and branches washed down throughout the year. Ok so, bridge. How do you get a stampeding herd of bison to use a bridge? Ahh yes. A shipping container bridge. 

We used a makeshift pulley system and dropped this baby over the creek. We have to make our fences stronger when the bison approach stressful areas, like sharp corners, dark shadowy areas, confined spaces…random shipping containers… Originally we used barbed wire and fence leading up to the bridge. We ended up chasing a few calves down the creek that day. Barb wire does not stop a bison. We probably should have known that, but live and learn. We now have guard rails in the alley way. We also cut holes in the side of the container to provide light to make it more inviting. Occasionally we will have an animal or two turn around if it gets crowded but now they run through the bride like champs!
